FAQs on com domain details:
Can i register .us domain or any documentation is required?
Yes! you can register .us domains instantly and there is no documents required for this.
Is there any minimum or maximum period for the domain name?
Yes! you can register a domain name from 1 year to 10 years.
What is meant by "Register" a Domain name?
It means that when you are registering this name, this name belongs to you for the period you have registered with any company.
What happens if i dont renew a domain name?
If you do not renew a domain name you still have got a grace period of 45 days to renew a domain name, but if you fail after this period then the domain name goes off into redemption period and its there in redemption period for a period of 30 days, and then it comes to available of registration.
How can i decide with whom i can register the domain name?
You can have a look of the reviews of the company or the existence of the company and that gives u the best idea of booking a website with a company.
Can i Move out my domain name or Transfer a Domain name to another Registrar/ Hosting Company?
Yes! you can move out any a time from one registrar to another by initiating a Transfer request, you would need to get a Domain Secret Key and then initiate a Transfer request, it generally takes 5 to 7 working days for a domain name to get transferred.
Note: While a Transfer is Initated the domain status should be Active.
The domain name which i am looking for is not available?
If the domain you are looking for is not available then we advice you to go for an alternative name.
How can i pay for Domain name Registration / Renewal / Transfer
You can pay via Paypal, Credit Card, Western Union or Any Indian Banks or even you can make a wire Transfer.
Once i register a domain name can i change it later?
If it is in a grace period which is 4 days of registration, there would be a cancellation fee of $1 and you can register a fresh domain name, but after that it is not possible.