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Domain Registration
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  .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .name, .in ,, eu, mobi, tv, cc,, , and more
with each and every domain name
NEW! Blog
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Domain Registration Overview

Register your domain name today before it's gone.

Domain Name Registration

A website can be remembered when its easy to remember, i.e a website acts as an identity for any resources weather it can be for business purpose or social organisation or any a portal purpose. Choosing a name should always be easy to remembered fashion.

Websites function best when they use an unique Name. This could be the Name of an Business or organization or a Trademark. It is advisable to use a name that people interested in the web sites subject actually would search for.
Those unique names of a web sites (the domain name) need to be registered and reserved first.

 Book and Host reliable services and support have earned us the reputation of the premiere provider of domain registrations solutions among thousands of customers, allowing us to maintain an outstanding Customer Retention Rate - one of the highest in the industry.

Generic Top Level Domain Registrations (gTLDs)
Domains like .com or .net or .org are called as Generic Top level Domains and these domains will be charged $6.99 or  Rs 315/- Per Yr.

You can register, renew or transfer your website to us.
New Generic Top Level Domain Registrations (New gTLDs)

Domains like  .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, and .pro. are called as new Generic Top level Domains and the prices for each domain are different.
You can REGISTER,RENEW or TRANSFER your website to us

Special Top Level Domain Registrations (sTLDs)
Domains like .edu , .gov, .int, and .mil. are called as special Top level Domains and the prices for each domain are different.
You can REGISTER,RENEW or TRANSFER your website to us
Country Top Level Domain Registrations (cTLDs)

Domains belonging to country specific like or .co .nz or,etc . are called as country Top level Domains and the prices for each domain are different.
You can REGISTER, RENEW or TRANSFER your website to us

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Instant Domain registration,name registrations, Instant Name Registrations, Domain Registration Online, Name Registrations Online, Domain Name Online, Website Name Online, Website Registration, Registration website

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