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Reseller Opportunities

Book and Host unparalleled private label program allows you as a Reseller to start selling all our Products and Services within minutes of your signing up with us. Each Book and Host Reseller Account comes packed with FREE features.

Some of the important features you get are:-

Unbeatable Pricing
Ability to create Infinite Levels of Sub-Resellers
FREE Comprehensive API Kit
Customisable and Brandable Hosted Storefront
Customisable and Brandable Hosted Home page
Branded Control Panels for you, your Customers, your Sub-Resellers, their Sub-Resellers and so on

i. Unbeatable Pricing

At $6.55 for Domain Names(For more than 500 Domain Years)- our prices are actually lesser than what you would get in a Reseller program offered by any other vendor. You will not find any Reseller Program offering the kind of aggressive pricing we offer.

Details on Payment Options, Terms and Conditions maybe found in the How to pay us

ii. Infinite Level comprehensive Sub-Reseller and Customer chain
You have the freedom to create Customers and Sub-Resellers under you. Each Customer and Sub-Reseller under you will get their own branded Control Panel. Each Sub-Reseller under you will further get a completely brandable full-featured Storefront and Backoffice, exactly like the one you have. This will allow your Sub-Resellers to enjoy all the facilities that you enjoy.

iii. Comprehensive easy-to-use API Kit
Along with your Reseller account you get a comprehensive API kit FREE. All Resellers have API access to the system. The System has been designed in an extremely modular fashion. Every functionality of the system is also available as an API CALL. The entire API is based on SOAP. Unlike conventional API's which require XML creation and parsing, our API simply requires local function calls. Our return-types are direct variables and Objects that you can locally manipulate.

We also offer the following -

  • A downloadable Java Kit: You can directly download this kit and the associated java docs. After that simply write your code to make function calls to this kit
  • A WSDL file - you can simply download the WSDL file and generate your own Client libraries

Our API design has been motivated from the following objectives -

  • Returning Objects instead of complicated XML or propreitary protocol formats
  • Usage of standards (SOAP, WSDL)
  • Language independence, offering the ability to code in ANY language with ease
  • Ability to perform advanced error handling on client side instead of simple status messages/error codes

iv. Comprehensive Customisable and Brandable Storefront
Book and Host offers a comprehensive Storefront from where your Customers may place their Orders. The Storefront is completely customisable. You can modify the look and feel, point your own URL to it and modify the content of the same.

All you have to do now is link to the storefront from your website and start selling.

v. Customisable and Brandable Homepage
We offer an online Customisable and brandable homepage to allow easy integration with your website. You can point your own URL to this homepage and simply direct your Customers and Sub-Resellers to this homepage.

vi. Complete Control through your Comprehensive Control Panel
You get a comprehensive Control Panel for complete administration of all the Orders of all your Customers and Sub-Resellers. You have complete administrative control over all Orders placed by your Customers, or your Sub-Reseller chain.


Some of the management activities which you, your Customers and your Sub-Resellers can do from their respective Control Panels are

  • Manage Orders
  • Manage Customers and Sub-Resellers
  • Integrate a Paypal account or any other Payment Gateway for collecting payments from your Customers/Sub-Resellers
  • Manage complete billing and collection for all your Orders
  • Manage pricing

All the control panel interfaces are

  • Completely customisable
  • Completely brandable
  • Multi-lingual
  • Multi-currency
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