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Domain Registrations
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Steps to Requesting a New .edu Domain

It's easy to request a new name in the .edu domain. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Find out if the name you want is available.
2. Verify that your institution is on the list of eligible institutions.
3. Provide a password that you will use to manage your account.
4. Provide Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, and Domain Name Server information.

Steps to Request New .gov Domain

1. Determine if you qualify to receive a managed domain name by reviewing the eligibility requirements. Managed domain names include .gov,, and .fed.US.

2.Review the domain name conventions and ensure that your desired domain name complies with the conventions.

3.Check availability and register for your desired domain name using our online registration form.

4.Submit an authorization letter. This letter should be submitted within 60 days of completing the online registration form.


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